Image of two artisan ice cream cones against a background of the pier on Norfolk, UK, framed with a sketch line and overlaid with a hand drawn image of a seal


Frequently Asked Questions


a list of questions that people often ask about a product or service

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Why is your website so weird?

We like to do things a bit differently. We appreciate that our website doesn’t look like other websites and therefore isn’t for everyone. Nor is our honest and upfront approach to marketing. We’re right for some people and we aren’t a great fit with others and that’s fine.

It also has to be said: as we don’t design websites – aside from the odd gentle suggestion that you reduce large file sizes, remove that scrolling marquee, or include your main content in the “main content” area defined by Google – we’re not going to be impacting much on the design of yours if you work with us.

Do you just do digital marketing?

We’re a marketing agency. Most marketing is digital now, and we cover all elements of digital marketing, but we’ve got lots of experience across the team in a wider marketing capacity so we know how to craft a marketing strategy which acknowledges non-digital impacts, plan an event stand for you or buy some OOH/print ads if that’s what will work best for you.

How much do you charge?

Our standard blended rate is £90 an hour. If you come to us for a one off, then we will either charge you that hourly rate or an agreed project cost.

There isn’t a strict minimum fee and we don’t have a minimum fee per channel, but we do charge enough that we can deliver a great service which matches your needs.

Clients on a monthly retainer will tend to get more work than they pay for and will also be ‘top of mind’ when something happens – so we’re not going to charge you anything to provide an insight which will really help you, if we happen to know it anyway.

Do you whitelabel?

We can whitelabel but we do find that in an ongoing relationship, speaking to the client directly is really important, so we would strongly encourage partnerships, not whitelabelling. If you want to give us email addresses at your domain we are happy to use them but we won’t use fake names or pretend to live somewhere we don’t!

That said, if you’re an Agency and want us to do a deep dive (perhaps a 10 million row backlink review? Or a complicated technical audit?) and provide all the raw data so you can put your own logo on it, that’s not a problem.

Do you specialise in a niche or a vertical?

Not really. Most of our clients are referrals or old friends, so we often find that we work on two or three sites in the same vertical (often in different countries). But, we feel that variety is the spice of life (and learnings from one niche often really benefit another) so we welcome clients from different industries.

Can you work for a US client?

We can. In fact we can work for you in almost any country and have even achieved #1 rankings in Korea (Korean Language) for a client! We are an eclectic bunch with a range of backgrounds and if we can’t speak the language in house we tend to know a great SEO in the country who can help us.

If we haven’t answered your question, then please do get in touch and ask us directly!