accomplished marketer with a special expertise in Paid Search and Social Marketing.
Origin: Latin
Meaning: diminutive of Michael, derived from the Hebrew mīkhā’ē‘l (Who is like God?)
Mike is a self proclaimed odd duck, who really loves marketing. Maybe that’s what makes him so odd…
Having started in marketing a fair while back in the cutthroat and strict budget world of events and hospitality, he became an expert at using digital marketing tools and technology for the business he was working for as well as the on-trade brands he consulted with.
Post-hospitality he dedicated the better part of a decade to the education sector, not only as Marketing Director of a marketing training course provider but also working closely with major institutes and the government on the creation and development of digital marketing courses and qualifications.
He is now back where he belongs; working with clients to increase their online discoverability both organically and via paid channels. He is never afraid of a challenge and likes a problem that pushes him to flex his problem-solving muscles.
He will however talk your ear off if you let him. He is also notorious for eating three puddings at any meal out, or 50% of any cake available in the office.
What clients say about Mike
We have coined a new phrase since working with him – ‘Mike-search’. When we need a deep dive into some obscure, niche topic, Mike leaves no stone unturned. A keyword-detective; Mike works on a forensic level nobody else can.
What his colleagues say about Mike
He’s a really great guy with a huge breadth of knowledge, a real asset to the team!
What Mike says about working @ Samphire
What’s wrong with the way I pronounce ‘ketchup’?